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嬰兒亞瑟Boys King Arthur _魏斯N.C. Wyeth.jpg

嬰兒亞瑟 Boys King Arthur / 魏斯 N.C. Wyeth


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奧賽羅 Othello_麥庫洛夫John Edward McCullough.jpg

奧賽羅 Othello / 麥庫洛夫 John Edward McCullough


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Macbeth and Banquo meeting the witches on the heath遇見女巫_泰奧多爾 · 夏塞里奧Théodore Chassériau.jpg

遇見女巫 Macbeth and Banquo meeting the witches on the heath / 泰奧多爾 · 夏塞里奧 Théodore Chassériau


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克麗奧佩托拉Cleopatra_-_瓦特豪斯‧約翰‧威廉John William Waterhouse.jpg

克麗奧佩托拉 Cleopatra / 瓦特豪斯 John William Waterhouse


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仙王奧伯龍與仙后蒂塔妮的爭執Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania.jpg

仙王奧伯龍與仙后蒂塔妮亞的爭執 Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania / 派頓 Joseph Noel Paton


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李爾王King Lear_作者不詳anonymous.jpg 

李爾王 King Lear / 作者不詳 anonymous  


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七大罪惡 The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things_波希‧希羅尼穆斯Hieronymus Bosch.jpg

大罪惡 The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things / 波希 · 希羅尼穆斯 Hieronymus Bosch


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美人魚Mermaid_瓦特豪斯‧約翰‧威廉John William Waterhouse.jpg

美人魚 Mermaid / 瓦特豪斯 John William Waterhouse


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神秘的誕生 Mystical Nativity_波提且利 Sandro Botticelli-1500x.jpg

神秘的誕生 Mystical Nativity / 波提且利 Sandro Botticelli ,國家畫廊,倫敦﹝London﹞,英國


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聖告圖 The Annunciation_安基利軻 Fra Angelico-02x.jpg

聖告圖 The Annunciation / 安基利軻 Fra Angelico 聖馬可修道院,佛羅倫斯﹝Florence﹞,義大利


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李奧納多·達文西Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci.jpg 

李奧納多· 達文西 Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci


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