伊卡洛斯與代達羅斯Icarus and Daedalus_弗雷德裏克‧列頓 Frederic Leighton.jpg

伊卡洛斯與代達羅斯 Icarus and Daedalus / 雷頓 Frederic Leighton


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仙王奧伯龍與仙后蒂塔妮的爭執Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania.jpg

仙王奧伯龍與仙后蒂塔妮亞的爭執 Study for The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania / 派頓 Joseph Noel Paton


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李爾王 King Lear / 作者不詳 anonymous  


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普羅米修斯智慧女神雅典娜創造了人類Prometheus creating man in the presence of Athena_吉恩西蒙Jean-Simon Berthélemy .jpg

羅米修斯與智慧女神雅典娜創造了人類 Prometheus creating man in the presence of Athena / 吉恩西蒙 Jean-Simon Berthélemy 


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諾亞建構方舟 Die Bibel in Bildern / 卡羅斯費爾德 Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius


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勸說奧德修斯 Rinaldo und die alten Krieger / 提也波洛 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo


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大罪惡 The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things / 波希 · 希羅尼穆斯 Hieronymus Bosch


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  • Jul 22 Wed 2009 22:38
  • 蓮藕

睡蓮 Nymphaea alba group.jpg

睡蓮 Nymphaea alba group


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水神卡拉蒂 The Triumph of Galatea_雅克 ・史特拉Jacques Stella.jpg

水神卡拉蒂 The Triumph of Galatea / 史特拉 Jacques Stella


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諸神的黃昏之後 After Ragnarök / 都卜勒 Carl Emil Doppler


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